posted an update in the group
Final Fantasy VII Remake 4 years, 9 months ago
0 Gems
Why you should treat the tech you use at work like a colleague ?
Imagine your company hires a new employee and then everyone just ignores them, day in and day out, while they sit alone at their desk getting paid to do nothing. This situation actually happens all the time — when companies invest millions of dollars in new tech tools only to have…[Read more] -
Chynna Phillips posted an update in the group
Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 4 years, 9 months ago
0 Gems
Why I regret buying my Nintendo Switch Lite. I should have just bought the original and best.
The Nintendo Switch is my favourite video games console. Possibly ever. And considering how much I loved my Super Nintendo, PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, that’s saying something.
But given my current circumstances — a parent with limited time to do…[Read more]-
0 Gems
I didn’t really understand this version, is it a Switch if it… doesn’t switch?-
0 Gems
Of course !
0 Gems
Since it’s collecting dust and you regret it so much, I’ll take it off your hands for a crisp new Benjamin. $100 cash, buddy. What’s your Zelle?-
0 Gems
We’re not here to resell.
0 Gems
Ohh well. I use my lite because I would only play this system in portable mode. Yes the screen could be larger, but the system, as a handheld, plays better than the original.
Top it off by saving $100-
0 Gems
Guys, be serious. I’m not selling anything.
In the last company i worked at, a local TV station, we used probably 50% of the equipment that was initially bought. It took enthusiastic employees to utilize anything more than what was absolutely essential.